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Breathe Out

Tonight, I am thankful for the pause. The comma, not the period. The type of pause that a snow day brings. It is the exhale, not the inhale. I know not everyone has the luxury to stop and breath. To give yourself a moment.

I remember learning a technique in my high school to help me clear my mind. Imagine your mind as a room with all of the "things" you can't get out, in there. Then, with your exhale, see them being swept out of the window or door of the room. I would do this again and again until the room was empty.

I am thankful for empty rooms and clear heads. For the moment right before the action, where you have the opportunity to choose your next move; the exhale, the pause. Most of all I am thankful that I have the language, time, money and the capacity to seek it out and understand the importance of that space.

When I take the time to pause, I know it helps me to be even more Gold.

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