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All I want...

Today I went to visit my brother and his family. (I love those kids btw...) I have been wanting a new coat and I'm happy to say, I left his house with a new coat, originally meant for my mother. This is normal for me to see an opportunity and, at least, attempt a try at getting what I want. My family has consistently created a path for me to be exactly who I am. There were never conversations about "how I should be", because I have always been accepted and supported as I am. My brother and mother were happy to give me that coat! Thank you David and Niece.

The couple of hours I got to spend with everyone today has renewed my spirit. I don't feel quite as sick. I am sure the Captain Morgan and the nap during the drive home helped as well. There was a time when I missed out on these family trips because I was blinded and held captive by something I misunderstood to be love... Thank you again Mr. Gold for helping me get back to the right.

I feel full of appreciation and happiness. About half of the people at the house were sick and no one cared. We were full and healthy with each other's love. My family community is sacred and because of you all, I am Gold.

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